Wednesday, November 19, 2008

down and out - on - murder mile

I really liked fucked-up books. Suicides, drug addictions, rape, death. Tragedies. Things too terrible to see in the light of day. That's why I love this book.

I was originally draw to this book because it is yellow. But, as I flipped through the pages, I was thrown into the story of a heroin addict and his junkie wife with a narrator's voice like this sound of the city. It's raw. Scary. Real. Honest. Beautiful. It discusses addiction, love, hate, beauty, fear, the façade of real life. 

It's a fast read.

Read it. 


Anonymous said...

hi danya,

i just wanted to let you know in case you noticed that i just took you off my blogroll because it seems like you're not really blogging anymore. if you ever start again, i'll be happy to add you back.

hope everything is going well and you're having a goodish last semester!

smsarber said...

You have a very interesting blog, hang in there! Take from life what you need, toss the rest out with the trash. And read a happy book once in a while, like "Cell" by Stephen King! ;)